Hello again! We have surfaced again after dropping off the face of the earth once more with life too full of blessings to sit down and share them! Most importantly, thank you to all of you who have asked for and prayed about Brady's surgery and recovery. We were given a massive measure of peace that passes understanding to feel so confident in His care!!! Surgery was shorter than expected, he was out of the helmet sooner than expected, and doesn't have another check-up til 2012! God is good!
Here is a pictorial recap...
This was from Brady's 3 month session before surgery at 4 months.

This next one shows the shape of his head as it began to show the need for surgery.

This was the day before surgery in February. We had a fun day, and wanted the latest images of him before the unexpected months that would follow.

The long day in pediatric ICU after surgery. He stayed here (with Mac and I sleeping on one chair beside his bed) for 24 hours before moving to a recovery room. This was the hardest day.

Only 2 days later, in spite of his condition, he was smiling at nurses, and seemed just like himself. Praise God for the ways he shows his love!!

March and April didn't slow down for us. But more blessings followed. Canaan was able to lead singing at worship following months of leadership training in song leading and prayer. We were so proud of him, and he was proud of himself!

Our family's only picture on easter! We enjoyed our traditional lunch at Aunt Terri's house. We were allowed one hour per day out of Brady's reconstructive helmet, so we had the helmet off for the holiday at church.

Our nearest and dearest joined us for the March of Dimes Walk for Babies in Brady's honor. The "Bell's Helmet Heroes" team walked in helmets of all kinds, as Craniosynostosis is considered a birth defect, and that is what Mac works daily to prevent. Thank you friends and family for your support!

Mac and Brad ran in their 2nd 1/2 marathon this year, and both had injuries either prior to, or after, but they both completed the race. No announcement of another Bell baby this year though....

Canaan competed in basketball, soccer, and baseball. He is such a little all-star. Here he is in action.

This is the helmet head. It started out white, but looked too institutional so we went to an airbrush artist in Cabot to go blue. It eventually had football helmet stripes down the middle, and his monogram on the front. Little Boy Blue.

This was our facebook profile forever since we were poor status updaters....

Here you can see his incision. It was a zig zag across his head.

Fun with mud after a rain!

Canaan getting his diploma from kindergarden graduation! His face says it all!!

We hosted a going away party for some friends, and the kids played on the slip n slide. This picture looks like we are camping, but no...just the backyard in Arkansas. :)

Our beach vacation!!! This was the only family picture we have because it began to rain and we all grabbed camera equipment and ran under a beach tent for cover. This is also obsolete now because Becky added another member of the family now! (see below)

2011 was the year of the wedding. (Our chinese new year name) Cousins Jamie Graul and Brett Fielder each had a wedding this summer, then Becky's in July. This is Macy with Jamie before her ceremony.

Most all the boys at Brett's wedding waiting for the ceremony. Such a fun time!

Macy learned to LOVE weddings (where did she get that?) so she roll played bride all summer. Her favorite movies right now are Father of the Bride and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. This was her marrying a plant stand in the studio.

Announcing Uncle Justin!!! Becky married Justin BELL and didn't have to change her last name! We love him, and don't think they're related at all..... :)

Their wedding was in our home on July 16th, and it was an honor. A wonderful day. More pics of that day in another post.

Studio Bella went on location to Aunt Patty's for this shoot with her family. She is battling cancer after being diagnosed in December of last year. Please lift her up to the Great Physician for healing!!

The sisters with their old lady glasses.

Momo and Mama with Brado Potato. He is a hefty little guy, so we nick-named him tater tot.

Canaan doing his stunts off the diving board. Look at those ribs!

Macy got to meet my Barbies that Mom and I had saved for 30 years for just this moment. She was in heaven, and Barbie, of course, got married a lot.

Brady meeting mom's garden. It is like a member of the family.

I was obviously not prepared for pictures, but the neighbors offered so, I joined in.

Brady is eating solid foods, has 6 teeth, and crawling. He wants badly to stand on his own, and at this rate that is not far away.

Canaan's first day of 1st grade!

Macy's first day of PK3.

Well, that is the high points so hopefully I'll post some more before Christmas!!! Thanks for your love and support of our family.
So good to see what all has been going on with y'all. Good to know Brady is all good. He is such a cutie!
Ok, you've inspired me to do a big catch-up whenever I get my computer back! I don't know that I can be as concise as you...I have the hardest time narrowing down the pictures! Great to see the updates! Can wait to see you again, my friend! Will call you when we decide when to come back to town!
Great update, Amy! Loved seeing the progression of y'alls year. Soooo happy that lil' man is doing so good and girl, I'm lovin' your long hair - gaaaawwwgeous! ;)
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