Monday, July 6, 2009

The Seven Year Itch

Mac and I shared our 7th anniversary on June 8th.  Sandwiched between Grandma passing and a trip to the beach, we embraced our 7th year for what it is.  

It signifies that we are in a season of life where you change diapers, play teeball, and help out at church while just trying to work for your money, come home to spend it, and hopefully catch some naps in between.  Thankfully Aunt Becky stepped in for us and we got a night out to the movies!  Thanks Beck!

Plus, we have been updating the house and yard, and in doing so my hubby contracted poison ivy and apparently ingested a wild strawberry that turned against him and he became an itchy red strawberry himself.  One round of steroid shooting antibiotics and the allergic reaction tamed.  

 Apart from bursting into a pitchy rendition of Celine's "Because You Loved Me",  I will spare everyone the goo and just say, Happy Anniversary to you, friend.  Glad you chose me.  :)

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